Whether you are a life-long Christian or brand new to this whole church thing, visiting a new place can be a little intimidating. We get it. We want to give you an idea of what to expect when you visit and help you get better connected to New Life.
Our worship service begins at 10am each Sunday and 6:30pm each Wednesday. We offer a welcoming and friendly environment for worship. Greeters will assist you in finding all that you need to enjoy and feel at home in your visit with us.

In worshipping with us, you are likely to find dresses, suits and ties as well as jeans, t-shirts and shorts. You will see people walking around in boots, sandals, tennis shoes and dress shoes. What you can be certain of is that you are welcome to join us in the attire which feels comfortable for you.
Parking is available on either side of the church. We have volunteers who will be available to guide you and answer any questions you may have.


The beginning of each service begins with prayer and a few worship songs. Some members remain standing at their seat to worship along, while others may feel led to worship at the alter. We encourage you to worship however you feel led to do so.
While our services usually include 3-4 worship songs followed by a 45 min-1 hour sermon, we allow the Holy Spirit to move freely, therefore our service times and structure may vary.
While our services usually include 3-4 worship songs followed by a 45 min-1 hour sermon, we allow the Holy Spirit to move freely, therefore our service times and structure may vary.
Our sermons are always an inspired, now Word from the Lord. We believe the Word is alive and new each day. Come and be encouraged and lead on a path of righteousness. You will be intrigued in an orderly, though, laid-back atmosphere of Worship and Word.
Sundays and Wednesdays:
Nursery (ages 9 months-2 years)
*any child under the age of 9 months that needs to be fed/changed/calmed is welcome in the nursery, however a parent is responsible to care and stay with them.
Little Lambs class (ages 3-4 years)
Preschool Class (ages 5-6 years)
Kids Church (ages 7-11 years)
*any child under the age of 9 months that needs to be fed/changed/calmed is welcome in the nursery, however a parent is responsible to care and stay with them.
Little Lambs class (ages 3-4 years)
Preschool Class (ages 5-6 years)
Kids Church (ages 7-11 years)
Youth Ministry (ages 12-18 years)